Football Sign-up Information
The band will attend several football games throughout the marching season. We will need the assistance of several parents at each event to achieve success. All chaperones are expected to arrive at Tustin High School at 6:00pm, check in with the “Chaperone Lead”, and stay until the end of the game. When chaperones arrive, they will be given a list of tasks of various jobs they will have throughout the night. Each chaperone will be given one free admission to the football game. Chaperones must be free from distractions, including caring for younger children. Chaperone Guide
Chaperone Lead – Coordinating all volunteers, performing general chaperone duties, and will be the connection between the director and other chaperones.
Chaperone – Helping students to get ready, providing water for students, help push equipment on and off the field, and other tasks that come up as needed. How to Sign-up
If you would like to volunteer for a position, email the Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected]. When signing up for a position please provide the following: your name, student’s name, your cell phone number, date signing up for, and position you would like.